BTC Satoshi
The highest and fastest paying Website

Features of Bitcoin Satoshi ☀Manual Claim Claim free money by clicking claim every time round that has been determined. ☀Surf Ads Earn free money by surfing ads from our advertisers. ☀Links wall Earn huge amount of free money by completing shortlinks. ☀HTML Games Play thousands of arcade games we provide to earn money. ☀Daily task Complete daily tasks every day to get extra income. ☀Offerwalls Complete offers and get paid higher than all available features.

How does it work?

if a person uses your referral link to register, he becomes your referral, and you will receive the highest commissions of every earnings he makes. This is a first-level or Tier 1 referral.

If this same person invites someone else to the service using his own referral link, then he gets a first-level referral as well. But the person he invites becomes your second-level referral and you will receive second comission percentage from this person’s earnings. In other words, a second-level referral is a user invited by a person whom you invited to the service.

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